Best ways to make money online | Earn extra income

 Best ways to make money online | Earn extra income

Earn Money Online

Everyone needs money for their family and own to survive in this world of competition. It is very hard to fulfill the needs of your family in today’s world. Without money you can’t buy anything in this 2019. There are several ways to earn money online. We have categorized the type of ways to make money online on the basis of skill sets. Some of the ways are trading, freelancing, captcha solver, online jobs based on skills such as typing, SEO, Digital marketing etc. We have listed out some of the best ways to make money online:-

1. Domain Trader

Domain Trading is good business to make money online. This business requires a lot of knowledge and analysis of domain. You must have good knowledge of identifying the new domains which are useful in future. Buy domain names from Godaddy at a very low rate (less than $7)and then water those domain so
that domain grows and you can sell that domain at a very high rate to maximise the profit. Here water means publish useful content on those domains to increase visibility either online or off-line.Domain Trading

2. Freelancing or work from home

Second way to earn money to do any type of freelancing job from home. Now a days freelancing jobs are categorized into every stream of working based on your skills such as SEO, Digital Marketing, Designing, Typing, Blogging etc. Here are some websites which offers freelancing services are Upworks, Freelancer, Fiverr, Flexjobs etc.

Freelancing Jobs


3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is very good in 2019 and 2020. Affiliate Marketing is increasing at a very higher rate today. Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, Snapdeal etc. offers very good affiliation services to the users who want to make money online through selling of goods and services. This could be done by blogging, building your own website or marketing any product or services. By affiliation to those sites, they will give you a panel so that you can generate your own links to promote the product. If someone clicks on your link and purchases any product from that site, than you will be getting the commission on that product.

Affiliate Marketing

4. Earn by watching Ads

Small amount of money can earned through PTC sites such as Fronto, Swagbucks, PerkTV etc. They give a rate of $0.001 to $0.01 dollar for one ad of 10 to 30 seconds. It would give you the income of 2.8 to $28 dollars. It is a small amount of money that you can earn for one whole day. If you have any automatic system to do this type of jobs than you do it with ease.

5. Earn from Micro Jobs

To earn extra income through GPT sites. There are the various type of micro jobs such as taking small surveys, watching videos, playing games & doing many more activities. You can receive money from PayPal or any other money.

6. Solve Captcha

You will get paid $2 for solving 1000 captcha. This is very popular job for the people who are good in typing skills to earn money online. This type of job is very good and useful to earn money.

Recptcha Solve

7. AdSense & Other Ad network

Earning money from Adsense & other networks is very good if you have a website with good traffic with useful content on your site. Approving Adsense is not an easy way, but if you earned it than it would make you a profit of $200 to $1000+ per month. Google Adsense and many other sites give this kind of facilities.

8. Youtube Channel Videos

Make your free channel on YouTube and shoot any video with great content to share with your followers or friends. Put your video on your Youtube channel and make it viral. It depends upon the number of view your video have. The more number of views, the more money you earn. It is just simple and easy
way to earn money online. Youtube provides $1 for 1000 views.

9. Become Online Seller

Online selling is just a great way to make money online. To sell your products online, you need to have merchant account on any of the e-commerce sites such as ebay, amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, alibaba etc. It is very easy to make your merchant account and earn money by selling your products.Youtube Videos


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